viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2006

Terrific Twos

I once read that it is not fair to get angry over something your child does if it is fact your own fault for having allowed the possibility to be fulfilled. I soooooooooo need to keep this in mind now that the Young Prince is two. This did start well before two, as in the time when he flooded the entire kitchen. And when he vaselined his entire changing table, hair and floor in his room. Today, in the minute-and-a-half it took me to wash out the poopie diaper downstairs and throw it into the bucket and get back upstairs, he managed to open and dump the entire $%^&*^*@ bottle of bubble bath (Whole Paycheck EXPENSIVE no additives no fragrance all natural bubble bath, I might add, specially formulated for my children's seemingly extra-sensitive skin) into the bathtub.

Okay, I left it out and in his reach, so it is all my fault, really, for permitting him the opportunity to further expand his world exploration activities. That does NOT halt the flow of explitives, however, that my mouth automatically seems to emit when events of this nature occur under my supervision.

Sigh. I am so tired. He is such a good boy, really...he is just such a boy.

lunes, 11 de septiembre de 2006

news fast

In the past few years I have begun the custom of taking "news fasts". They are becoming noticeably more and more prevalent in my life, not only as my children grow older and more inquisitive but also as my personal degree of stress rises with the horrific news items with which I daily find myself bombarded.

Today and this weekend has been no exception. As one who always has a radio on in the house, with music to accompany my every step, I decided on Sunday to turn off the radio altogether, as the remembrances of 9.11 began to flood the airwaves. This was a tragedy in our country, a wake-up call from the innocence and very sheltered existence in which most of us Americans lived--and perhaps continue to live--and it also brings me back to a very sad and shaky point in my personal life that I almost daily try to forget. However, when my 4-year old (going on 15, I might add) starts to ask questions like, "Mommy, what is terrorist?" or "What does bombing mean?" I know it is time to turn OFF the radio and turn ON the parenting.

The events of 9.11.01 and the subsequent occurrances have inundated and invaded our private homes since. Maybe we have no right to expect otherwise--we have, admittedly, lived in ignorance for so long while so many other world citizens have had to awaken and fall asleep under the reign of terror. Neither do we have the right to pity ourselves. Neither do we have the right to drop bombs on a country that has no tie to this attack, sacrifice our own citizens and those of other countries who stand as guards of our own while paid piddly wages, when it has been precisely in the name of vengeance of 9.11 that this war was initially waged.

The current government states that we who are not supporters of the war are thus not supporters of America, not supporters of the troops and are, in essence, consipirators with terrrorists calling for the demise of the American union. This is not true. I am shocked and astounded at the closed-mindedness with which this Administration has dealt with post-9.11 issues, both domestic and international, and often find myself having to defend myself as US citizen when abroad or speaking with those from other countries. Yet this is not a situation in which the answers are black-and-white. We need, therefore, to pray for the ability to listen to the wisdom of other countries and cultures, especially those who have had to deal daily with such terrorist issues; to pray for the open-mindedness of our leaders to accept, consider and apply such wisdom; to pray for the dissipation of arrogance amongst our leaders which leads to a closed-minded, narrowly-focused and often misbalanced approach to possible solutions; and to pray for the ability to listen and act in an educated manner.

lunes, 4 de septiembre de 2006

death of a hero...?

New York could have been bombed today and...

...the news would have come in second to the death of the Crocodile Hunter.

He was great entertainment, especially for the kids.

But what lesson have we learned?