jueves, 26 de octubre de 2006

back to the basics...

Tried for a new blog look but I can't seem to make it work out for me. Frustrating...sure hope my new business idea doesn't work out that same way. jajaja

Family has come and gone for a two-week visit, which was wonderful and fun and great to catch up with everyone and their lives. My kids really enjoyed their new cousin and all the time they got to spend with their 'Amma.

I have just now made it official to my department that I am not coming back for the Spring semester. I'm nervous...kind of feels like I'm jumping off the edge of the world.

Now trying to find a snazzy but simple name to use to market myself...SpanishSavvy? As an independent Spanish teacher-continuing ed., tutor, translation work...if anyone has any other great ideas, let me know and I will choose the winner! I'd like to soon get my own domain name and a website up and working, email, and publicity, business cards, etc. to get the word out.

Sigh...so much, and yet it is so exciting at the same time. A new personal challenge.

jueves, 5 de octubre de 2006

hitting me over the head...

It is so funny how, when God wants me to see something, He can make it so blatantly obvious as to what path I am supposed to take. Maybe He just does not want me missing this clue...and then again, maybe it is just My Time to have finally figured it out. I wonder often what takes
Over the past two weeks I have had various people in various situations, both knowing I am a language teacher and not, approach me in different ways about teaching courses outside of the University setting...a setting which has, by the way, offered great security of a job and a paycheck, as well as a way to keep my foot in my profession while being a mother and to get me out of the house for some sanity time each week while school is in session. One woman offered me a position teaching young children after school in a local primary school. I had to turn that down as I have no time for that now--also being that I, personally, don't particularly enjoy teaching children. Another woman, a Korean lady with whom I was speaking Japanese at the time wanted to know on behalf of herself and another friend if I teach any Spanish classes outside of the University, just for adults. Not two minutes later my daughter greeted a lady in Spanish and the lady responded back to her, then just opened up to me about how she is taking a class through the local Parks and Recreation program with somebody retired who obviously speaks the language but who does not know how to teach the language. She about flipped when I mentioned I teach at the local university.

Then it hit me while driving my children home.

Why don't I go independent?

I can develop courses, plans, for 10 classes over a 5 week period for adults. Easily. Of any level...beginning, intermediate, a reading club, a film group...anything, without the pressure of University politics, without the need to give exams...teaching FOR THE LOVE OF TEACHING, to THOSE WHO WANT TO LEARN.

I would need to maintain myself professionally, perhaps with two weeks a year abroad in an intensive language program, as such access would be limited to me, since I get that now as faculty at the University. MQE said that, if I can make enough to afford it, then sure.

Why I never thought of this before I have no idea...perhaps because it wasn't the right time. I have now over 15 years of teaching experience under my belt, in various disciplines, the majority of which is language, and can completely see myself succeeding with a plan like this. I am so enthusiastic about this that I would love to take the next term off and start to develop my business.

This thought has completely reignited a fire that was starting to burn out with the University teaching and the feeling that I was treading water and no longer going anywhere. Perhaps this is the direction in which I am meant to go...

...right???? I will gladly take any suggestions, advice or opinions...