viernes, 27 de enero de 2006

to coffee or not to coffee...

...that IS the question as of late.

I don't want to get hooked on the caffeine, and for years have been proud of the fact that I just DON'T NEED IT. My high energy level, partnered with the fact that I am naturally a morning person has always worked to my benefit.

Then I had children.

Now I find, as I awake at 5 a.m. each and every morning to have a little "alone" time B.C. (Before Children) that by about 11 in the morning or so I could take a nap...and by 3 or 4 in the afternoon I am so ready to crash that I can hardly keep my head above the proverbial water. This is not good, since two afternoons a week now through May I teach from 4-7 at night! Somehow I don't seem to have a problem at work, but I fear for my students should I start caffeinating myself. I know that my rate of speaking greatly increases in speed with caffeine, and that is the last thing my Spanish students need from me (ja ja ja).

Can you believe, I am actually pondering a vice? That is to say, besides wine...but I don't drink hardly enough wine to call it a vice. That is a pure luxury once in a while...or I suppose, becoming more and more medicinal in purpose, however I care to see it by the weeks' end when I might be able to actually enjoy a glass of Rioja.

So...will I be spending some buckies at Buckies today? We shall see...

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