As a Spanish prof, it is always funny to me the importance of this phrase. "I am..." is "Yo soy...".
I happen to be allergic to soy. Even though this is not the same soy as in the conjugated first person present tense verb form, it is an even bigger pain in the posterior than this particular irregular verb is for beginning Spanish students.
On my Google home page, I have a feed of Wiki how-tos. Yesterday's tip was entitled "How to Live With a Soy Allergy."
Oh Great One, where WERE you three years ago?
I never realized I had an actual food allergy until after The Young Prince was born. I had learned that latent allergies can become active with such triggers as traumas, either physical or emotional, and I noticed things not being right following the thirty-nine hour labor and subsequent one-hour delivery of The Young Prince. It was incredibly hard on my body and I noticed that I had constant breakouts, itchy sores, on my arms and legs. Thinking it could be lotions or detergent-caused, although I had not changed my habits at all, I tried a few different things but nothing made a difference. Something nagged at me to try an exclusion diet to see if something I was eating could be causing a reaction, so I did. After fasting and then re-introducing foods individually, I reacted to soy. My heart rate sped up. I got a headache. I had a couple of hives come out on my arms. There was my answer.
Looking back, I can remember digestion problems that I simply no longer suffer that could easily have had roots in this soy allergy. I remember my tongue swelling in Japan to the point of being unable to speak clearly on various occasions, usually at the home of my Japanese teacher after having been served a delicious Japanese dinner made by her mother. I experienced a case of anaphlaxis in Taiwain in 1994 upon eating way too many wontons, a reaction which I attributed to MSG poisoning; I have since learned that MSG is soy. My tongue still swells, which will tell me if there was an ingredient that I must have missed or mistaken when reading my labels.
Unfortunately, reading labels is difficult because soy is not usually listed as "soy" but instead has a gazillion of other "aliases" that have proven to be a headache not only for me but also for anyone who is kind (and brave!) enough to cook for me or have me over for dinner (She-ra???!). Soy-free menus are not as common as, say, gluten-free menus are in restaurants, so I pretty much have to guess at what is and is not acceptable fare for me to consume.
This allergy has, of course, been since verified with a saliva test--it is NOT just "in my head."
So I will pass on the soy-sauce dipped shrimp, thank you very much.
martes, 29 de abril de 2008
lunes, 28 de abril de 2008
new pics
I have new albums (finally!) up on Snapfish. If interested, let me know and I will, in turn, let you know how you can see them.
4 weeks!
In light of rapidly rising gas prices, I have made several proactive changes in my life:
1. I bought a bike. A much better one than I had before...and yes, it is purple! And yes, I am riding it...when not walking with The Young Prince on his bike...which brings me to #2:
2. I got The Young Prince on a bike. Sure, he's on training wheels. But it makes my walking trips a lot faster without tiring him out half as much.
3. I have encouraged La Princesita to ride more, and will hopefully be weaning her off training wheels this summer.
4. I have been condensing trips much more than ever before (and I was pretty good before), finding more to do close to the home or at home than having to jump in the car and ride somewhere. I create circles of my weekly stops and try to finish a weeks' worth of whatever it is I need to do on that circuit without once having to retrace my path so as to be as efficient as possible.
5. I have instated a "No-Drive Tuesday" into my week. My car does not leave the garage at least one day a week, sometimes Thursdays as well.
My goal was to get down to only filling up my gas tank once a month, unless a big trip was involved (in which case I would factor in the gas in the budget). I was not quite on empty this morning, the light was not yet on, but since I had just spent and arm and a leg on groceries and earned my $.10 off a gallon at the gas station, I went ahead and filled up today.
Checked my receipts. The last time, indeed, that I had filled up was March 31.
I made four weeks! I am proud of myself.
Baby steps...
1. I bought a bike. A much better one than I had before...and yes, it is purple! And yes, I am riding it...when not walking with The Young Prince on his bike...which brings me to #2:
2. I got The Young Prince on a bike. Sure, he's on training wheels. But it makes my walking trips a lot faster without tiring him out half as much.
3. I have encouraged La Princesita to ride more, and will hopefully be weaning her off training wheels this summer.
4. I have been condensing trips much more than ever before (and I was pretty good before), finding more to do close to the home or at home than having to jump in the car and ride somewhere. I create circles of my weekly stops and try to finish a weeks' worth of whatever it is I need to do on that circuit without once having to retrace my path so as to be as efficient as possible.
5. I have instated a "No-Drive Tuesday" into my week. My car does not leave the garage at least one day a week, sometimes Thursdays as well.
My goal was to get down to only filling up my gas tank once a month, unless a big trip was involved (in which case I would factor in the gas in the budget). I was not quite on empty this morning, the light was not yet on, but since I had just spent and arm and a leg on groceries and earned my $.10 off a gallon at the gas station, I went ahead and filled up today.
Checked my receipts. The last time, indeed, that I had filled up was March 31.
I made four weeks! I am proud of myself.
Baby steps...
sábado, 26 de abril de 2008
...and so it begins
La Princesita was kissed in school.
One of her little classmates has taken to chasing her around the playground at recess time, and last Friday he caught her and kissed her.
This has been dubbed "The Big Secret" of the A.M. Kindergarten Class.
And ALL the class mothers seem to know about it.
Fortunately, I have a relationship with mi princesita that permits her to tell me these things long before I hear about it "through the grapevine." She came home last week and told me all about it. So, as any Mama Llama would, I had some questions:
--First of all, are you complaining or is this just a secret?
--It's just a secret.
--Okay. (had to establish context...was this considered a "good" thing or a "bad" thing)
--So, what was happening when he kissed you?
--Oh, he was chasing me on the playground. Then he caught me and kissed me!
--Okay. Did you want him to kiss you?
--Did you tell him "no"?
--Were you just playing?
--Yes. But he treats me like I'm his girlfriend.
What exactly this means in kindergarten, I'm afraid to ask.
--Do you want to be his girlfriend?
--No, not really. (I have since learned that she has a crush on another little boy--they are all really sweet boys, nice kids and gentle when playing with the girls, so that helps a bit...but there seems to be a bit of a triangulo amoroso in this kindergarten class...)
So this gives me motivation to talk to her about what not permitting someone else to tell her who she is or what she is supposed to be. If she does not want to be kissed, then she must say No! And not a "No!" while giggling and running away. I told her she needs to be clear if that is what she really wants. If she does that, and it persists, then she can go to her teacher. But I made it clear that, until she has made an effort to stop something she doesn't want happening, she can't go tattling to her teacher, and I will NOT get involved until after those two options have been exhausted.
I guess it is never too early to start the self-esteem brainwashing. You ARE strong, you CAN say no when you don't feel comfortable. You CANNOT allow someone else to define your own identity--you ARE who you are and you can NEVER let anyone else take that from you.
So she got a dose of that lecture, but in a more interactive, kindergarten-lingo-friendly manner. No glazed-over eyes, so I take that as a goodsign.
I have since learned that this little boy is a real little work of art; he apparently kissed one of La Princesita's t-ball teammates as well.
There are the movers. And then there are the shakers. Yes, even in Kindergarten.
One of her little classmates has taken to chasing her around the playground at recess time, and last Friday he caught her and kissed her.
This has been dubbed "The Big Secret" of the A.M. Kindergarten Class.
And ALL the class mothers seem to know about it.
Fortunately, I have a relationship with mi princesita that permits her to tell me these things long before I hear about it "through the grapevine." She came home last week and told me all about it. So, as any Mama Llama would, I had some questions:
--First of all, are you complaining or is this just a secret?
--It's just a secret.
--Okay. (had to establish context...was this considered a "good" thing or a "bad" thing)
--So, what was happening when he kissed you?
--Oh, he was chasing me on the playground. Then he caught me and kissed me!
--Okay. Did you want him to kiss you?
--Did you tell him "no"?
--Were you just playing?
--Yes. But he treats me like I'm his girlfriend.
What exactly this means in kindergarten, I'm afraid to ask.
--Do you want to be his girlfriend?
--No, not really. (I have since learned that she has a crush on another little boy--they are all really sweet boys, nice kids and gentle when playing with the girls, so that helps a bit...but there seems to be a bit of a triangulo amoroso in this kindergarten class...)
So this gives me motivation to talk to her about what not permitting someone else to tell her who she is or what she is supposed to be. If she does not want to be kissed, then she must say No! And not a "No!" while giggling and running away. I told her she needs to be clear if that is what she really wants. If she does that, and it persists, then she can go to her teacher. But I made it clear that, until she has made an effort to stop something she doesn't want happening, she can't go tattling to her teacher, and I will NOT get involved until after those two options have been exhausted.
I guess it is never too early to start the self-esteem brainwashing. You ARE strong, you CAN say no when you don't feel comfortable. You CANNOT allow someone else to define your own identity--you ARE who you are and you can NEVER let anyone else take that from you.
So she got a dose of that lecture, but in a more interactive, kindergarten-lingo-friendly manner. No glazed-over eyes, so I take that as a goodsign.
I have since learned that this little boy is a real little work of art; he apparently kissed one of La Princesita's t-ball teammates as well.
There are the movers. And then there are the shakers. Yes, even in Kindergarten.
jueves, 24 de abril de 2008
Here it comes:
1. The poem, done in brush on gold washi with long strands. Final product came to 24" x 18" approx.
The framing placement should help offset the apparent lack of centering of the poem on the actual sheet--I am usually a firm believer in , but... (sigh). It is also written straight (yes, I drew lines like a good girl, although I resisted, trust me!), just photographed slightly off (did I mention I am just slightly off-kilter?...yes, that is a joke--JA!). Greatest challenge in doing this project? Definitely the blending of culture--Western concept of beauty is extremely different than Eastern (Oriental) concepts of beauty. The simplicity of the strokes--writing horizontally with a brush that is meant for writing vertically was tough. So I instead tried to incorporate the techniques for character formation (of Chinese characters) into the formation of the English and hence the result. I like it. It is very, very different than my "usual" calligraphy style.
2. Two new McMansions just went up across the street from my humble 45 year old brick abode during the winter. The one really LOVELY thing about my humble abode is my garden and my fence...oh, I guess those are TWO things, not one. Anyhow... *both* McMansions had exactly the s.a.m.e. fence as I have had for, what, three years or so now put around their properties. I did mine to be different from everyone else. Not anymore. I say I have rights to a sign that says "Mine was First." Or I should get a cut from this fencing company's revenue they have made on our street since we got ours--another property, to which one of the McMansions is adjacent, also did the same fence about a year after ours was done. It is a bit further down the street. However, now that makes three properties, all in a little row, across the street from mine all with the same fence.
3. What fence, you may ask, could be so rockin' stylin' that everyone wants a piece of it? Well, here you go-sie...last week's coveted Garden Pictures (all garden work, by the way, courtesy of blood-sweat-tears of Mama Llama, thank you VERY much):
So at least my garden is not mass-produced. Have I yet mentioned I LOVE SPRING?!
4. A nice compliment. My student tonight told me how much she really enjoys learning from my book and wants to see it on shelves one day. I don't honestly think I will ever produce this text for commercial selling, but it is incredibly rewarding to be able to use the textbook that I have put so much work into authoring and editing (and publishing on my own little printer!) in my own classes, and the feedback is so valuable to me. Unfortunately I have a few more chapters to finish until I will be satisfied that I have what is about the equivalent of 3 semesters of a college-level course, but for adult learners and highly conversation-based (although I refuse to let areas of grammar, reading/literature, culture, vocab development and the like go by the wayside--my job is to teach my students to communicate correctly but not ignore the colloquialisms and the cultural variants that create the richness of language).
5. I can make an arrangement with this place and get a three-months no-interest on the piko-ring of my choice. I am happy about that. Fortunately, I can't (read: ought not--those of you who really know Mama Llama know just how impaciente Mama Llama can be...and like a true Taurean llama, incredibly stubborn to boot) even change mine yet so there's no huge rush now, is there?
6. Bikini bought. Tried on. Fits. Imagine this furry creature in a bikini. Gonna scare everyone away.
7. We had just over 3 1/2 inches of rain here on Sunday. Dude...imagine had it been even a month or so before, that could have easily translated to almost 4 feet of snow. It was wet. Have to cut my grass again--can barely see my tulips over the long weeds. But the tulips survived, as did the phlox, which I cannot believe. Only one tulip broke, and La Princesita rescued it and we placed it in a tiny vase.
When I fell asleep there was something on my mind I had wanted to blog about. Now that the midnight hour is upon me and I am in my insomnia cycle for the night, I can no longer remember what on Earth that deep thought was. Someone recently told me she preferred to think her lack of memory was due to the fact that she was blonde over the fact that she was getting old. I think I prefer the geriatric approach. I see wisdom in those who have lived longer--and with all that wisdom crammed into We Wise Women's brains, where IS the room to remember every single detail?
(added Friday morning)...A-ha! I remembered! Am-A-zing what sleep will do for you!
8. Change. I figured that out to be the root of my problem. This year was especially difficult in that La Princesita started a new school, I knew nobody there and my security blanket was therefore swept out from under me. I came to terms with a shyness that I seemed to have somehow developed in my adult life. I realized I had to become active in her school in order to start meeting people and let that shyness melt away. And I was thinking, last night before falling into dreamland, why someone like me, who has lived all over the world, moved so many times in my adult life (I never left 'home' until I was 18. The house where I was born is still where my mother resides in Oregon.), who taught for a living, could feel so strongly like this...a strange and very potent form of introversion. Then it came to me: this is the first time in my life that change is being imposed upon my by others. All along I have made the decisions to go, to change my scenery, and along with that decision-making came mental and emotional preparation. I am not accustomed to having others (even those being my own children) creating this change of environment in my life and, for me this signifies a great loss of control. I realize that over the course of this school year I have made great strides to regain this lost sense of control and last night I reflected a bit on how much better I feel now, that I have settled into this new environment and hopefully can be a complimentary figure to my daughter's elementary school career--not an overpowering one, not a controlling one, but one that will give her the confidence to grow and learn and, likewise, learn to accept and integrate change.
And so there you have it.
Happy Friday to all!
1. The poem, done in brush on gold washi with long strands. Final product came to 24" x 18" approx.

2. Two new McMansions just went up across the street from my humble 45 year old brick abode during the winter. The one really LOVELY thing about my humble abode is my garden and my fence...oh, I guess those are TWO things, not one. Anyhow... *both* McMansions had exactly the s.a.m.e. fence as I have had for, what, three years or so now put around their properties. I did mine to be different from everyone else. Not anymore. I say I have rights to a sign that says "Mine was First." Or I should get a cut from this fencing company's revenue they have made on our street since we got ours--another property, to which one of the McMansions is adjacent, also did the same fence about a year after ours was done. It is a bit further down the street. However, now that makes three properties, all in a little row, across the street from mine all with the same fence.
3. What fence, you may ask, could be so rockin' stylin' that everyone wants a piece of it? Well, here you go-sie...last week's coveted Garden Pictures (all garden work, by the way, courtesy of blood-sweat-tears of Mama Llama, thank you VERY much):
So at least my garden is not mass-produced. Have I yet mentioned I LOVE SPRING?!
4. A nice compliment. My student tonight told me how much she really enjoys learning from my book and wants to see it on shelves one day. I don't honestly think I will ever produce this text for commercial selling, but it is incredibly rewarding to be able to use the textbook that I have put so much work into authoring and editing (and publishing on my own little printer!) in my own classes, and the feedback is so valuable to me. Unfortunately I have a few more chapters to finish until I will be satisfied that I have what is about the equivalent of 3 semesters of a college-level course, but for adult learners and highly conversation-based (although I refuse to let areas of grammar, reading/literature, culture, vocab development and the like go by the wayside--my job is to teach my students to communicate correctly but not ignore the colloquialisms and the cultural variants that create the richness of language).
5. I can make an arrangement with this place and get a three-months no-interest on the piko-ring of my choice. I am happy about that. Fortunately, I can't (read: ought not--those of you who really know Mama Llama know just how impaciente Mama Llama can be...and like a true Taurean llama, incredibly stubborn to boot) even change mine yet so there's no huge rush now, is there?
6. Bikini bought. Tried on. Fits. Imagine this furry creature in a bikini. Gonna scare everyone away.
7. We had just over 3 1/2 inches of rain here on Sunday. Dude...imagine had it been even a month or so before, that could have easily translated to almost 4 feet of snow. It was wet. Have to cut my grass again--can barely see my tulips over the long weeds. But the tulips survived, as did the phlox, which I cannot believe. Only one tulip broke, and La Princesita rescued it and we placed it in a tiny vase.
When I fell asleep there was something on my mind I had wanted to blog about. Now that the midnight hour is upon me and I am in my insomnia cycle for the night, I can no longer remember what on Earth that deep thought was. Someone recently told me she preferred to think her lack of memory was due to the fact that she was blonde over the fact that she was getting old. I think I prefer the geriatric approach. I see wisdom in those who have lived longer--and with all that wisdom crammed into We Wise Women's brains, where IS the room to remember every single detail?
(added Friday morning)...A-ha! I remembered! Am-A-zing what sleep will do for you!
8. Change. I figured that out to be the root of my problem. This year was especially difficult in that La Princesita started a new school, I knew nobody there and my security blanket was therefore swept out from under me. I came to terms with a shyness that I seemed to have somehow developed in my adult life. I realized I had to become active in her school in order to start meeting people and let that shyness melt away. And I was thinking, last night before falling into dreamland, why someone like me, who has lived all over the world, moved so many times in my adult life (I never left 'home' until I was 18. The house where I was born is still where my mother resides in Oregon.), who taught for a living, could feel so strongly like this...a strange and very potent form of introversion. Then it came to me: this is the first time in my life that change is being imposed upon my by others. All along I have made the decisions to go, to change my scenery, and along with that decision-making came mental and emotional preparation. I am not accustomed to having others (even those being my own children) creating this change of environment in my life and, for me this signifies a great loss of control. I realize that over the course of this school year I have made great strides to regain this lost sense of control and last night I reflected a bit on how much better I feel now, that I have settled into this new environment and hopefully can be a complimentary figure to my daughter's elementary school career--not an overpowering one, not a controlling one, but one that will give her the confidence to grow and learn and, likewise, learn to accept and integrate change.
And so there you have it.
Happy Friday to all!
mama llama,
mean mama llama,
lunes, 21 de abril de 2008
piercings, part II
So I found The Piko Ring (sound angelic harps and chorus) that I love.
And it is $600 buck-aroo-skis.
However, I figure that, if I do this to myself I'm going to put something REALLY NICE through my piko...and then never, ever change it.
I'd go for it immediately if there were a three-months same as cash-type of payment option...
...but alas...
Birthday and Mother's Day are both coming up, within a few days of each other. Maybe I'll get some bucks and can put them toward what I'd like. However, my mother usually sends a gift card (and she would FREAK OUT if she knew what I had done, anyway)...
Maybe it's time to start playing the Lotto?! ;)
I am frugal, often to a fault, but when I want something nice, I want something nice, especially when talking of something going directly through a portion of my abdominal skin.
And it is $600 buck-aroo-skis.
However, I figure that, if I do this to myself I'm going to put something REALLY NICE through my piko...and then never, ever change it.
I'd go for it immediately if there were a three-months same as cash-type of payment option...
...but alas...
Birthday and Mother's Day are both coming up, within a few days of each other. Maybe I'll get some bucks and can put them toward what I'd like. However, my mother usually sends a gift card (and she would FREAK OUT if she knew what I had done, anyway)...
Maybe it's time to start playing the Lotto?! ;)
I am frugal, often to a fault, but when I want something nice, I want something nice, especially when talking of something going directly through a portion of my abdominal skin.
Must turn on commentary word-verification. If you have that enabled on your blog, then you understand why.
Sorry about that!
Sorry about that!
viernes, 18 de abril de 2008
Halftime in the sickie ward
This is what my father always said of the noise made on those sick know those nights, when there are great bouts of coughing accompanied by sneezes and whimpering made by all those who did not feel well.
"Sounds like it's halftime in the Sickie Ward."
Last night was one of Those kinds of nights.
It lingers. The Young Prince continues to cough, although the chest rattle and wheezing seems to be gone. A slight, low-grade temperature has returned but nothing to worry about--just no school today! Mama Llama has a fun headache (yeah, what else is new, really?) and the chest rattle and cough, but the fever seems to stay away--which is just fine by me.
I have a T-ball game to assistant coach tomorrow morning! Wild Ponies vs. Unicorns. (Don't you just love the names?) Muy importante... so must be in form, voice and all!
The good news is that we have been warmer this week, allowing for 1. lots of outside time; 2. lots of Vitamin D to be absorbed; 3. not having to wear multi-layers of clothing; and 4. delving into my Spring clothing supply which, by nature, allows my new piko-pierce to not be constricted at all and heal right. My garden is in full bloom--as soon as I can get the pics developed, I'll post a few!
Oh, I LOVE Spring!
"Sounds like it's halftime in the Sickie Ward."
Last night was one of Those kinds of nights.
It lingers. The Young Prince continues to cough, although the chest rattle and wheezing seems to be gone. A slight, low-grade temperature has returned but nothing to worry about--just no school today! Mama Llama has a fun headache (yeah, what else is new, really?) and the chest rattle and cough, but the fever seems to stay away--which is just fine by me.
I have a T-ball game to assistant coach tomorrow morning! Wild Ponies vs. Unicorns. (Don't you just love the names?) Muy importante... so must be in form, voice and all!
The good news is that we have been warmer this week, allowing for 1. lots of outside time; 2. lots of Vitamin D to be absorbed; 3. not having to wear multi-layers of clothing; and 4. delving into my Spring clothing supply which, by nature, allows my new piko-pierce to not be constricted at all and heal right. My garden is in full bloom--as soon as I can get the pics developed, I'll post a few!
Oh, I LOVE Spring!
mama llama,
mama llama's papa,
martes, 15 de abril de 2008
poor baby boy
The Young Prince is sick. He rarely is sick, but has a high fever and a nasty cough.
Looks like Mama Llama has to cancel her entire day of classes today. This is definitely the bad part of not being on salary. Oh, well.
Here's hoping he is better soon...and that we all don't catch this bug!
Looks like Mama Llama has to cancel her entire day of classes today. This is definitely the bad part of not being on salary. Oh, well.
Here's hoping he is better soon...and that we all don't catch this bug!
sábado, 12 de abril de 2008
stabbing myself in the gut
Okay, so I did it.
I got my piko pierced.
She-ra might have a slightly different notion of what happened, as all I heard while having the piercing go through my skin was a huge gasp and all the air sucked out of the room. (If she writes an account of her point of view, I'll link it...)
She-ra is Strong Woman. She-ra never react to nothing.
So this surprised me.
It was a good experience and much, much less painful--oh, come on, not even coming close to entering the Childbirth scale, people--than everyone says it is.
Or I just have a high pain tolerance.
So now I must go and find a bikini. Or a monokini cut-out one-piece (preferably the latter of the two). I was mildly chastized by the piercer for admitting that I never wear bikinis because I don't particularly like my tummy. She said that anyone who looks like me after having two children should most definitely wear one. That was nice. And admittedly, yes, I am lucky. Something to be said about not being able to eat most of the US's junk and convenience food supply probably has something to do with it, and genetics another part. I said I am simply trying to feel more comfortable in my skin, and this is a good first step. And so we have it.
Unfortunately, I went to try on bikinis later on this evening and the women's do not fit. To be blunt, I just don't have enough boob--remember, I buy my bras at the Teen Department. But I am putting money on it that a girls' size 14/16 extra-large will fit fine. Scary, but true. She-ra is not doubting this, either. So now the hunt is on. My children love to go swimming, and Mama Llama must be there, too.
So I might as well look good.
I got my piko pierced.
She-ra might have a slightly different notion of what happened, as all I heard while having the piercing go through my skin was a huge gasp and all the air sucked out of the room. (If she writes an account of her point of view, I'll link it...)
She-ra is Strong Woman. She-ra never react to nothing.
So this surprised me.
It was a good experience and much, much less painful--oh, come on, not even coming close to entering the Childbirth scale, people--than everyone says it is.
Or I just have a high pain tolerance.
So now I must go and find a bikini. Or a monokini cut-out one-piece (preferably the latter of the two). I was mildly chastized by the piercer for admitting that I never wear bikinis because I don't particularly like my tummy. She said that anyone who looks like me after having two children should most definitely wear one. That was nice. And admittedly, yes, I am lucky. Something to be said about not being able to eat most of the US's junk and convenience food supply probably has something to do with it, and genetics another part. I said I am simply trying to feel more comfortable in my skin, and this is a good first step. And so we have it.
Unfortunately, I went to try on bikinis later on this evening and the women's do not fit. To be blunt, I just don't have enough boob--remember, I buy my bras at the Teen Department. But I am putting money on it that a girls' size 14/16 extra-large will fit fine. Scary, but true. She-ra is not doubting this, either. So now the hunt is on. My children love to go swimming, and Mama Llama must be there, too.
So I might as well look good.
viernes, 11 de abril de 2008
Full Circle
As I flew into Detroit following a rush of morning flights-weather delays-rearranging the afternoon court docket-rushing back to the airport just in time to run through security (yes, I remembered to remove my shoes), catch my plane and be off back toward home, the stormy and turbulent sky opened to a rainbow.
Over Detroit. Val, that one was for you.
It was not a full arc but the two different ends were very sharp and visible. And this sums up my feelings today.
We ended up losing the case, in great part due to the last-minute change (and big change at that) of testimony of one of my witnesses. The plaintiff turned into the defendant and vice-versa, with my lawyer (this point of view I saw coming and did not feel good about whatsoever--but he’s the boss) more trying to prove that the plaintiff in the case caused the accident instead of trying to prove my innocence on negligence.
Follow this?
Okay, basically the focus got completely lost in the shuffle and even the judge, when giving his ruling, said that it was proven that I did NOT, in fact, act in a negligent manner. Witness statements supported that. I thought that was what the lawsuit was all about--at least in my summons, those were the EXACT WORDS used. However, the focus somehow (mainly stemming, yes, from the mass confusion that ensued my #1 witness’ drastic change of testimony two days ago, it was acknowledged) became altered: the ruling was, in the end, that the plaintiff did not cause the accident within reasonable doubt (which I never was purporting from the beginning) and that I was to pay damages (coming from my liability coverage).
Oh, well. Win some, lose some.
Even with this ruling, I feel so much better. My lawyer instructed me, as we left, to look back now when the accident comes to mind and know with peace in my heart and soul that I acted and did exactly as I should; that was, indeed, proven before the judge today.
The accident is now completely behind me. There ought to be no more issues arising from this. I have come full-circle, revisiting the exact location of the accident of exactly two years and one month ago today, and had my decisions supported, to my face, by those who witnessed the entire event. I did not act incorrectly, and that was validated today.
Full circle. I had to revisit the site, revisit the memories, revisit those who stopped to help us and thank them personally…and that has healed me. I never want to speak of this accident again. As the plane took off from Nashville, I could almost literally feel that life chapter’s cover closing.
It is all over! And on my return flight home from Detroit, I was nice to the flight attendants when boarding so one came back and invited me up to first class seating. Free upgrade that included alcohol at no extra cost. I have had worse Fridays.
The two ends of the rainbow--I finished the rainbow today, came full-circle and my pot of gold is the peace I finally feel.
Over Detroit. Val, that one was for you.
It was not a full arc but the two different ends were very sharp and visible. And this sums up my feelings today.
We ended up losing the case, in great part due to the last-minute change (and big change at that) of testimony of one of my witnesses. The plaintiff turned into the defendant and vice-versa, with my lawyer (this point of view I saw coming and did not feel good about whatsoever--but he’s the boss) more trying to prove that the plaintiff in the case caused the accident instead of trying to prove my innocence on negligence.
Follow this?
Okay, basically the focus got completely lost in the shuffle and even the judge, when giving his ruling, said that it was proven that I did NOT, in fact, act in a negligent manner. Witness statements supported that. I thought that was what the lawsuit was all about--at least in my summons, those were the EXACT WORDS used. However, the focus somehow (mainly stemming, yes, from the mass confusion that ensued my #1 witness’ drastic change of testimony two days ago, it was acknowledged) became altered: the ruling was, in the end, that the plaintiff did not cause the accident within reasonable doubt (which I never was purporting from the beginning) and that I was to pay damages (coming from my liability coverage).
Oh, well. Win some, lose some.
Even with this ruling, I feel so much better. My lawyer instructed me, as we left, to look back now when the accident comes to mind and know with peace in my heart and soul that I acted and did exactly as I should; that was, indeed, proven before the judge today.
The accident is now completely behind me. There ought to be no more issues arising from this. I have come full-circle, revisiting the exact location of the accident of exactly two years and one month ago today, and had my decisions supported, to my face, by those who witnessed the entire event. I did not act incorrectly, and that was validated today.
Full circle. I had to revisit the site, revisit the memories, revisit those who stopped to help us and thank them personally…and that has healed me. I never want to speak of this accident again. As the plane took off from Nashville, I could almost literally feel that life chapter’s cover closing.
It is all over! And on my return flight home from Detroit, I was nice to the flight attendants when boarding so one came back and invited me up to first class seating. Free upgrade that included alcohol at no extra cost. I have had worse Fridays.
The two ends of the rainbow--I finished the rainbow today, came full-circle and my pot of gold is the peace I finally feel.
jueves, 10 de abril de 2008
My Life is a Soap Opera, chapter, which chapter was I on again?
First and foremost--big shout-out to She-Ra, Princess of ?? for what turned into quite the Labor of Love today, for babysitting me and watching me pace, eat, etc. endlessly all stressed out. Thank you. is what I understand from my lawyer, as of this morning, to be The Scoop:
There was a major turn of events yesterday that, in normal circumstances, would really be beneficial to my case. I initially testified to a "large white SUV" running me off the road. All other witness reports said that it was an "unidentified vehicle." One described it as a "beefed-up street car"...and I have no idea what that exactly means. However, as of yesterday the other witness remembered something, talked to her husband and changed her initial testimony--saying that a white SUV ran me off the road.
The person suing me for negligence and for damages to her car was driving a--white SUV.
This makes it appear that she might have actually caused the accident in the first place. I thought, when lying on the side of the road awaiting the ambulance, I heard someone say that the car just "fled the scene" but I am not certain--it's all a bit of a fog. I had a really strong case before this came about and here's the clincher, according to my lawyer: this will either make my already strong case even stronger or break what had been my strong case due to the fact that this witness changed her testimony...which means that she, not I, is going to be ripped up by cross ex tomorrow...but all for me, the poor woman.
In the light of this "new evidence" suggesting that she was the cause of this accident in the first place, my lawyer is trying to see if we can't settle, still, out of court today; if that is proven at least at 50% of doubt in the state of Tennessee, they will lose the entire case. So today, every time the phone rings I jump...hoping that it's been settled and that I don't, in fact, have to fly out at 6 a.m. tomorrow morning...
So that is The Scoop.
Please, phone, ring. is what I understand from my lawyer, as of this morning, to be The Scoop:
There was a major turn of events yesterday that, in normal circumstances, would really be beneficial to my case. I initially testified to a "large white SUV" running me off the road. All other witness reports said that it was an "unidentified vehicle." One described it as a "beefed-up street car"...and I have no idea what that exactly means. However, as of yesterday the other witness remembered something, talked to her husband and changed her initial testimony--saying that a white SUV ran me off the road.
The person suing me for negligence and for damages to her car was driving a--white SUV.
This makes it appear that she might have actually caused the accident in the first place. I thought, when lying on the side of the road awaiting the ambulance, I heard someone say that the car just "fled the scene" but I am not certain--it's all a bit of a fog. I had a really strong case before this came about and here's the clincher, according to my lawyer: this will either make my already strong case even stronger or break what had been my strong case due to the fact that this witness changed her testimony...which means that she, not I, is going to be ripped up by cross ex tomorrow...but all for me, the poor woman.
In the light of this "new evidence" suggesting that she was the cause of this accident in the first place, my lawyer is trying to see if we can't settle, still, out of court today; if that is proven at least at 50% of doubt in the state of Tennessee, they will lose the entire case. So today, every time the phone rings I jump...hoping that it's been settled and that I don't, in fact, have to fly out at 6 a.m. tomorrow morning...
So that is The Scoop.
Please, phone, ring.
miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008
the week thus far
All things considered, lack of sleep inclusive, this week has not been bad so far. The weather brightened immensely this afternoon, skies opening to allow rays of sunlight to warm the atmosphere and touch my kwanzaa cherry tree, about to burst into full bloom. The warmth is tickling my tulips, teasing their buds, enticing them to open to show their glory. My baby maple has new baby leaf buds, and my lilacs and rhododendrons are getting ready for a nice Mama Llama birthday bloom at the beginning of May, customary and, in my book, required blooms for my birthday to be considered complete.
My high degree of stress-induced energy, coupled with two extremely dreary, chilly and damp days this week, has permitted me to whirlwind-clean my home, organize my classroom, fix a broken bicycle chain, organize various to-dos, make necessary phone calls and still have time to play with my children in the afternoons. I am not sleepy when I ought to be due to not having slept more than a few hours in the past few nights. My new class went very well tonight; I can still teach up to past my normal bedtime hours (surprise, surprise!). Last night's honors were very nice and the nominating councilwoman made a beautiful statement on my and the PTA president's behalf regarding our nominations. The hard part was how alone I felt there amid a roomful of people who had family around; I really didn't know anybody, I sat by myself in a row quite literally to myself, nobody to take a picture of me for a memory sake--but perhaps it is best that way, as a memory that only I will have and will tuck away for my own safe-keeping. I didn't stick around for the reception.
I am taking most of the day for myself tomorrow as the temperatures are supposed to be considerably warmer (although today I was down to --gasp!--one layer of clothing and sandals!!!) and only teach one student tomorrow night. I must then prep my things for my flight, which leaves at 6:00 in the morning (meaning taxi to the airport at 4 a.m....good God that is early for a flight that is NOT for vacation purposes). I should be back by 11 p.m. Friday night, but will be bringing my laptop with if I can get a moment to check in while awaiting flights...or in case I get stuck somewhere I really do not want to be.
Deep breaths. I am ready. I even have buttons sewed on (all thanks to She-ra), for goodness sake.
Better not forget my lipstick...Lipstick IS Power.
My high degree of stress-induced energy, coupled with two extremely dreary, chilly and damp days this week, has permitted me to whirlwind-clean my home, organize my classroom, fix a broken bicycle chain, organize various to-dos, make necessary phone calls and still have time to play with my children in the afternoons. I am not sleepy when I ought to be due to not having slept more than a few hours in the past few nights. My new class went very well tonight; I can still teach up to past my normal bedtime hours (surprise, surprise!). Last night's honors were very nice and the nominating councilwoman made a beautiful statement on my and the PTA president's behalf regarding our nominations. The hard part was how alone I felt there amid a roomful of people who had family around; I really didn't know anybody, I sat by myself in a row quite literally to myself, nobody to take a picture of me for a memory sake--but perhaps it is best that way, as a memory that only I will have and will tuck away for my own safe-keeping. I didn't stick around for the reception.
I am taking most of the day for myself tomorrow as the temperatures are supposed to be considerably warmer (although today I was down to --gasp!--one layer of clothing and sandals!!!) and only teach one student tomorrow night. I must then prep my things for my flight, which leaves at 6:00 in the morning (meaning taxi to the airport at 4 a.m....good God that is early for a flight that is NOT for vacation purposes). I should be back by 11 p.m. Friday night, but will be bringing my laptop with if I can get a moment to check in while awaiting flights...or in case I get stuck somewhere I really do not want to be.
Deep breaths. I am ready. I even have buttons sewed on (all thanks to She-ra), for goodness sake.
Better not forget my lipstick...Lipstick IS Power.
sábado, 5 de abril de 2008
linky love!
Val tagged me for this one. Hmmm...have to think about My Five Links for a few minutes...oh I have soooo many to share, but these are my toppies:
1. Language Latitudes LLC.
This is Mama Llama in the flesh. My business site (oh I am so proud of myself!).
2. Earthquake Watch!
I am such a nerd. I love to find out where the Earth is rockin' and rollin'.
3. Mah Jong
I have to waste time somehow. It's just natural. So this is one way I choose to do so. Like I said, I'm such a nerd. I used to Tetris all the time, but I got way too out of control on, it could really stress me out! jajaja
4. Quote of the Day
I love quotes. Since I do calligraphy, I have often calligraphized famous quotes as gifts. And there is so much humor and truth, often, in something so simply stated. I can learn so much from using less words...
5. The Daily Show
I do have various links to news sites all over the world, so as to have a relatively balanced view of things, not just a North American view. However, this is the site that keeps my perspective healthy, I think. I love Jon Stewart's satiric, sarcastic style and I need to laugh more, anyway!
The Small Print (the rules, cut-and-pasted from Val's site) is as follows:
I thought it would be cool to have a meme where we post links. We can post up to five. Then we tell five more people to share their links. If we all share who tagged us, our links are sure to be seen!
They can be business links, favorite sites, affiliate links, whatever you want…
There are some rules, as usual:
1. MUST be clean. No R rated sites.
2. Only FIVE links.
3. MUST tell 5 people.
4. A link back to the person who tagged you
1. Language Latitudes LLC.
This is Mama Llama in the flesh. My business site (oh I am so proud of myself!).
2. Earthquake Watch!
I am such a nerd. I love to find out where the Earth is rockin' and rollin'.
3. Mah Jong
I have to waste time somehow. It's just natural. So this is one way I choose to do so. Like I said, I'm such a nerd. I used to Tetris all the time, but I got way too out of control on, it could really stress me out! jajaja
4. Quote of the Day
I love quotes. Since I do calligraphy, I have often calligraphized famous quotes as gifts. And there is so much humor and truth, often, in something so simply stated. I can learn so much from using less words...
5. The Daily Show
I do have various links to news sites all over the world, so as to have a relatively balanced view of things, not just a North American view. However, this is the site that keeps my perspective healthy, I think. I love Jon Stewart's satiric, sarcastic style and I need to laugh more, anyway!
The Small Print (the rules, cut-and-pasted from Val's site) is as follows:
I thought it would be cool to have a meme where we post links. We can post up to five. Then we tell five more people to share their links. If we all share who tagged us, our links are sure to be seen!
They can be business links, favorite sites, affiliate links, whatever you want…
There are some rules, as usual:
1. MUST be clean. No R rated sites.
2. Only FIVE links.
3. MUST tell 5 people.
4. A link back to the person who tagged you
viernes, 4 de abril de 2008
Life's little ironies
In one week, one of the strangest weeks of my life will--or rather, should--be over.
1. On Friday I must fly to Nashville for the court hearing regarding this lawsuit and finally, hopefully, put this all behind me. I am being charged with negligence by the insurance company behind the mask of the individual who went out with my car when we spun out and flipped when we were forced off the road by a "phantom vehicle" that fled the scene. My car never hit hers; she swerved to miss me and she is suing for damages to her Bronco. Her basis is negligence. All three witnesses have been found and subpoenaed to court for next Friday, and all three state that she has no case and that I did the only thing I could in the situation to avoid being hit into oncoming traffic (coming at us at least at 65 mph) and keep my family alive. It is difficult to not take this personally because it is personal; her insurance company is making her sue me (whether or not she wants to) because they feel my decision-making was erroneous.
I have to fly through Detroit to get to Nashville. I wonder what will happen if 1. flights are delayed and I don't arrive on time, or 2. flights are cancelled and I don't get there at all and am stuck instead in Detroit. Why I wasn't purchased a direct flight from my very-major local international airport is only cost--and since my insurance company so strongly believes that I am going to be saving them over $20,000.00 in not having to pay out liability with my testimony, you would think that they would go ahead and spring for a direct-flight ticket that would guarantee my arrival, no matter what the cost.
But no...that is too easy.
2. I have a new night class that starts on Wednesday night. That will be fun, and I have the texts printed and ready to go. One less task to have to complete this weekend!
3. While having my judgment put on trial on Friday, I am being honored by my Town Mayor on Tuesday night.
I was one of a handful of individuals in my Town to be nominated by a Town Council member for a Mayorial Award for Outstanding Volunteerism.
Sounds impressive, ¿no?
All it comes from was putting into action the dream of the PTA President at La Princesita's elementary school by forming a recycling committee and starting a full-blown recycling program at that school, the first of its kind in the Town's public schools. Whereas before only paper was recycled, we have now started recycling cans and plastic, and just this week batteries. I publish a Recycling Tip of the Week in the school newsletter, the PTA newsletter and in over the school's morning "news program" which is broadcast by the upper-classes to all the students of the school in order to edcuate the entire school community about all the different things we can do every day to use less or recycle that which we have finished using. We also formed a neighborhood clean-up and this year will formally join in the Town's Clean-Up Day in November as a school team.
But I'm a native Oregonian. That is what we do. Recycle. Take care of our Mother. It's not anything that out of the ordinary--it is just who I am, it's in my blood. The real hero is the PTA President/Goddess. She is an amazing woman. She is, likewise, to be honored that night.
Funny, how in four days' time next week I am to be both richly honored for the integrity of my decisions and on trial for supposed negligence in my decisions.
1. On Friday I must fly to Nashville for the court hearing regarding this lawsuit and finally, hopefully, put this all behind me. I am being charged with negligence by the insurance company behind the mask of the individual who went out with my car when we spun out and flipped when we were forced off the road by a "phantom vehicle" that fled the scene. My car never hit hers; she swerved to miss me and she is suing for damages to her Bronco. Her basis is negligence. All three witnesses have been found and subpoenaed to court for next Friday, and all three state that she has no case and that I did the only thing I could in the situation to avoid being hit into oncoming traffic (coming at us at least at 65 mph) and keep my family alive. It is difficult to not take this personally because it is personal; her insurance company is making her sue me (whether or not she wants to) because they feel my decision-making was erroneous.
I have to fly through Detroit to get to Nashville. I wonder what will happen if 1. flights are delayed and I don't arrive on time, or 2. flights are cancelled and I don't get there at all and am stuck instead in Detroit. Why I wasn't purchased a direct flight from my very-major local international airport is only cost--and since my insurance company so strongly believes that I am going to be saving them over $20,000.00 in not having to pay out liability with my testimony, you would think that they would go ahead and spring for a direct-flight ticket that would guarantee my arrival, no matter what the cost.
But no...that is too easy.
2. I have a new night class that starts on Wednesday night. That will be fun, and I have the texts printed and ready to go. One less task to have to complete this weekend!
3. While having my judgment put on trial on Friday, I am being honored by my Town Mayor on Tuesday night.
I was one of a handful of individuals in my Town to be nominated by a Town Council member for a Mayorial Award for Outstanding Volunteerism.
Sounds impressive, ¿no?
All it comes from was putting into action the dream of the PTA President at La Princesita's elementary school by forming a recycling committee and starting a full-blown recycling program at that school, the first of its kind in the Town's public schools. Whereas before only paper was recycled, we have now started recycling cans and plastic, and just this week batteries. I publish a Recycling Tip of the Week in the school newsletter, the PTA newsletter and in over the school's morning "news program" which is broadcast by the upper-classes to all the students of the school in order to edcuate the entire school community about all the different things we can do every day to use less or recycle that which we have finished using. We also formed a neighborhood clean-up and this year will formally join in the Town's Clean-Up Day in November as a school team.
But I'm a native Oregonian. That is what we do. Recycle. Take care of our Mother. It's not anything that out of the ordinary--it is just who I am, it's in my blood. The real hero is the PTA President/Goddess. She is an amazing woman. She is, likewise, to be honored that night.
Funny, how in four days' time next week I am to be both richly honored for the integrity of my decisions and on trial for supposed negligence in my decisions.
miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008
Why not?
Okay...the One Word Meme--from Annabel. Biggest challenge? Trying to fit wordy-ME into one-word only answers!
1. Where is your mobile phone? nightstand
2. Your significant other? kids
3. Your hair? permed
4. Your mother? far
5. Your father? dead
6. Your favorite thing? music
7. Your dream last night? Princesita
8. Your favorite drink? margarita
9. Your dream/goal? spy
10. The room you're in? bedroom
11. Your ex? still...
12. Your fear? disappointment
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? teaching
14. Where were you last night? teaching
15. What you're not? homemaker
16. Muffins? ick
17. One of your wish list items? windows
18. Where you grew up? Oregon
19. The last thing you did? answered
20. What are you wearing? jammies
21. Your TV? Univisión
22. Your pets? Tigre
23. Your computer? lifeline
24. Your life? fulfilling
25. Your mood? headachy
26. Missing someone? yep
27. Your car? Outback
28. Something you're not wearing? bra
29. Favorite Store? toy
30. Your summer? HOT
31. Like someone? sure
32. Your favorite color? purple
33. When is the last time you laughed? now
34. Last time you cried? today
35. Who will/would re-post this? anyone
Have fun! I'm still waiting for a few of your six-word memoirs...You Know Who You Are!!
1. Where is your mobile phone? nightstand
2. Your significant other? kids
3. Your hair? permed
4. Your mother? far
5. Your father? dead
6. Your favorite thing? music
7. Your dream last night? Princesita
8. Your favorite drink? margarita
9. Your dream/goal? spy
10. The room you're in? bedroom
11. Your ex? still...
12. Your fear? disappointment
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? teaching
14. Where were you last night? teaching
15. What you're not? homemaker
16. Muffins? ick
17. One of your wish list items? windows
18. Where you grew up? Oregon
19. The last thing you did? answered
20. What are you wearing? jammies
21. Your TV? Univisión
22. Your pets? Tigre
23. Your computer? lifeline
24. Your life? fulfilling
25. Your mood? headachy
26. Missing someone? yep
27. Your car? Outback
28. Something you're not wearing? bra
29. Favorite Store? toy
30. Your summer? HOT
31. Like someone? sure
32. Your favorite color? purple
33. When is the last time you laughed? now
34. Last time you cried? today
35. Who will/would re-post this? anyone
Have fun! I'm still waiting for a few of your six-word memoirs...You Know Who You Are!!
martes, 1 de abril de 2008
no buttons
...and no April Foolin' here.
I soooo do NOT do buttons.
Anyhow, you get my drift. Don't do them. Can't sew them on, and whenever I try they end up too tightly on so I can't get the dang buttonhole around them, and if I try to make them looser they end up falling off by the end of the day.
Can you tell who was given a Very Generous Grade in 7th grade HomeEc? Helped that Dad taught math right across the pancakes were called very "geometric" was the best compliment she could come up with. ...another story. why do I need to sew on a button?
Make that three.
I have to appear in court next Friday to finally put behind me the Nightmare That Just Will NOT End (aka Accident of 2006) and I am being flown down to Nashville by my insurance company for the proceedings. I suppose I ought to wear a suit. And the only suit I have...well, the jacket is missing three buttons.
So now to scrounge up three black buttons that actually match (this IS a Ralph Lauren suit...maybe 11 years old, but Lauren doesn't go out of style--does he???).,....two.....three. Good. Found three in the kids' toys (they like to sort buttons...Nerd Training 101 starts weeeee early, you see....)
Now to find a needle and thread.
That may take some time.
Good thing I didn't put this off until next Thursday night at 10.
I soooo do NOT do buttons.
Perhaps "sew" would have made a better pun...
Anyhow, you get my drift. Don't do them. Can't sew them on, and whenever I try they end up too tightly on so I can't get the dang buttonhole around them, and if I try to make them looser they end up falling off by the end of the day.
Can you tell who was given a Very Generous Grade in 7th grade HomeEc? Helped that Dad taught math right across the pancakes were called very "geometric" was the best compliment she could come up with. ...another story. why do I need to sew on a button?
Make that three.
I have to appear in court next Friday to finally put behind me the Nightmare That Just Will NOT End (aka Accident of 2006) and I am being flown down to Nashville by my insurance company for the proceedings. I suppose I ought to wear a suit. And the only suit I have...well, the jacket is missing three buttons.
So now to scrounge up three black buttons that actually match (this IS a Ralph Lauren suit...maybe 11 years old, but Lauren doesn't go out of style--does he???).,....two.....three. Good. Found three in the kids' toys (they like to sort buttons...Nerd Training 101 starts weeeee early, you see....)
Now to find a needle and thread.
That may take some time.
Good thing I didn't put this off until next Thursday night at 10.
I didn't tell anyone I was going to do this, but I applied to a Quechua language school in Cusco, Perú for a month-long immersion course for this summer (lasts from 21 July to 22 August) so that I could work up my knowledge of this language. It is one of the official languages (along with Spanish - duh! - and Aymará) of the country, and I have very basic understanding, mainly vocab, from my time spent both in Perú and Ecuador.
Not only that, as I am an educator and can potentially incite others to go and study there, they will pay my plane ticket! YIPPEEEE! I still have to pay the school price, but I get to live with a family for the month and completely immerse myself, which will maximize my exposure. The school has a pretty well-developed program and a great website--check it out!
Not only that, as I am an educator and can potentially incite others to go and study there, they will pay my plane ticket! YIPPEEEE! I still have to pay the school price, but I get to live with a family for the month and completely immerse myself, which will maximize my exposure. The school has a pretty well-developed program and a great website--check it out!
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