The craziness. It has officially Hit. I think it was yesterday that I felt It the hardest, between all the school drop-offs and pick-ups and students (at least they were here and I did not have to travel) and the food preparation and the printing (my textbook, thank you very much!!!) and remembering to feed myself (thank you Paula for the g/f s/f popcorn treat!!!) and potty breaks for the Young Prince and laundry and...
Makes me tired just to remember.
It all starts again this weekend, Saturday through Monday. The kids have classes, swim lessons, I have new classes, I *need* to be producing more on the workbook front (that which is accompanying my text) and finishing my editing of chapters 5-9 of this 1st edition, while planning out the next level for my text, chapters 10-?
Only one child in school this morning. I can't say yet if that is good or bad for me, but knowing that it is good for the Young Prince, that is all that really matters.

La Princesita and I have been playing Mancala at night before turning off the lights. It is a thinking game. This is an image of what the board looks, taken from She sits on one end and has one large mancala cup and the six little cups on her side, and I have the opposite side. The object is to get the most marbles in your mancala cup at the end of the game. You must take all the marbles from one of your little six cups and drop them, from the next cup, one by one in a clockwise direction. If you drop the last of your marbles in your hand into the mancala cup, you get another turn. If you drop the last of your marbles in your hand into an empty playing cup (NOT your mancala cup) on your side of the board, you get to collect all marbles on your opponent's side, plus that single marble that was used initially to win those marbles (the one you dropped last from your hand when going clockwise). Requires some strategy and thinking. It's definitely good for both of us! It is also so much fun to play with La Princesita, now that she can logically follow and strategize a bit. Maybe I should find a Battleship game. Oh, and MasterMind!
Next...I need to get her going on cribbage!
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