domingo, 5 de marzo de 2006

down for the count?

The kids seem a bit better today than yesterday, although still quite "goopy" thus we really don't want to be taking them out in public. There is nothing that turns others off more than seeing children with goopy noses. Yuck! At least, I know I don't like that! Now, of course, I have yet another one of My Headaches...they get really old. Although they feel like sinus, I really do not suffer from them when pregnant or nursing children, which leads me to believe that they are all hormonally intertwined somehow--which, in turn, just frustrates me all the more. So of course, the worst thing I could be doing now is typing on the computer...and yet, here I am. It is a break from lesson planning, however. I, of course, cheated and just took a two hour siesta--what an incredible luxury, only afforded to me if my headache lands me on a weekend when MQE is home.

Somebody did stop by to look at the Bug today, and MQE and he were standing out there for a while talking. He said he might be by later on this afternoon with his wife...if his wife is anything like me, we shall see about that! It is a definite men-and-old-cars thing. This, by the way, is a 1961 black cloth-top VW Bug. It's actually in pretty good condition, especially when considering all the money we have invested in upkeep. It was well-loved by MQE, and I enjoyed it in our BC (Before Children) days, but now it is a drain on the budget and it can't really haul the kids, so it is now time to bid it adieu. I also refuse to become one of those only-two-drivers-in-the-family-but-we-have-three-cars type of people. It just sends a bad may decide which message that might be.

One more week until Spring you think I am going to make it that long??? Am taking bets...!

2 comentarios:

  1. Hope your kids are well soon. Goopy noses are everywhere! - I've just spent a morning at Montessori and there were goopy noses upon goopy noses - plus I seem to have caught a head cold as well, probably from my time there last week wiping lots of noses. It's the time of the year - between seasons and bugs adore those times.
    My bet is that you will make it to spring break and that the Bug will still be there - and I'm not talkin' about the goopy nose bug either!!

  2. I'm betting you will hang in there.

    Those headaches are definetly hormone related. As soon as you feel one coming on take something and you won't get as bad a headache in my experience with them.
