martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008

blustery beauty

Saturday was a balmy yet blustery day.

A strong cold front was blowing in from the northwest, ahead of which we had temperatures reaching the mid-70s. The warmth brought people out from all corners wearing shorts and t-shirts, attempting to capture what many acertained were the last of the vitamin D-bearing sunrays of the calendar year.

It was glorious!

I awoke feeling an inexplicable energy. Hearing the gara-gara of my bedroom windows all night, I had evidence of Mother Nature's power and sensed it was a day to take full advantage. Although I vow to never drive to the gym, I decided to couple my trip to workout with a trip to the grocer only around the corner, and my shopping spree demanded items much too heavy to lug all the way home on my slight frame. So I brought my clothes with, intending to shower and change at the gym.

Great workout, ran 5 miles in 33:05 (YIPPEE!) on the elliptical and showered. Forgot my comb of all things, so I pulled my long wet locks back into a pseudo-bun, a little eyeliner, a little lipstick and voila! done. Walked out and, working out right in front of me was a looker.

And he looked. And said, "Hel-LO!"

Damned my shyness, I smiled and lowered my eyes and barely audibly uttered a 'hello' back, and continued walking...but with my head high and feeling GREAT. Attractive. Noticed. Sexy. And with my presence validated.

Sometimes that is ALL I need. I am demanding, but my needs are few.

Off to the store, dropped the goods off at home, a couple of phone calls then off to be out and enjoy the morning. All the news reports warned of rapid changes at a later point in the afternoon, with plummeting temperatures ushered in with the wild wind, so I knew I could get away with single-layer jeans (no tights) and a sweater with no jacket for only so long.

I saw people I had not seen in a long time, I met a nice young waitress at CPK, recently graduated from high school, who wants to be a pastry chef and has been accepted into the CIA, I bought new tights in preparation for the cold week (always need footless tights and heavy socks), went to My Store (White House Black Market, if you're wondering) and actually found a sweater I could afford, and sat out in an open air square, eyes closed and just taking it all in--the air, the wind, the energy, the good moods...

...then the rain began.

As I am a wicked witch llama that melts when wet, I ran to my car as quickly as my clogs would allow me and drove the seven miles back to my home, where my children had spent the entire glorious morning downstairs watching cartoons with their father.


I soon realized my cell phone was gone and, after making some key telephone calls to establishments visited, I decided it was gone for good. But no big deal--I was feeling great! Off again to another store, it was still relatively warm and windy with more storm clouds in the distance. With my iTunes "mood mix" playing at a volume louder than I would permit had my children been in the backseat, I enjoyed my ride out, did my shopping and rushed back out to my car in another windy rainfall.

As I arrived home, the sun broke through the confused sky and behold, a strong rainbow arched through the sky welcoming me back.

My pot of gold? A day of feeling free, accomplishing tasks and knowing I could go out and do all of this all by myself, and carrying this wonderful liberating feeling with me all this week! The warmth in my heart helps blanket me through the sporadic snow showers we expect this week.

4 comentarios:

  1. Good for you girl!!! Isn't it wonderful to get out, get noticed, get stuff done, enjoy the moments?!!

    I'm very happy that you relished in it, despite the fact that your kids were stuck in front of the TV. Believe me, I feel the same way. Some things... you just gotta let go of.

  2. "Attractive. Noticed. Sexy. And with my presence validated." Yay! That's a wonderful feeling and I'm glad for you.

  3. So you did see that rainbow!!! That is awesome! It was gorgeous and seemed to turn the day around for us as we attempted to dash home from Starbucks and ballet before the rain hit again.

    That guy should have looked!! It sounds as if you had a wonderful day.

    Go Llamas!!

    (And now I know why I am getting all those strange phone calls at all hours! just joking)

  4. Great story! Hearing about your good day lifted my mood right up this morning. Thanks.
