lunes, 11 de febrero de 2008

The 123 meme

Okay...a couple of my bloggy buddies have this up so I ought to follow suit.

As I am usually in my classroom for my computing time...hmmm...let's see what I have that isn't just a word list:

Manual de gramática, for my advanced students. No, p. 123 is just a list.

The text currently used at the local University that I am tutoring a few students, p. 123 is simply oral exercises. is my intermediate text. Ah-JA! An actual article.

It's in español. (duh)

An article about "La vida anti-estrés" (Anti-stress Life): La tensión femenina (Feminine tension)...okay, this could just totally be me here:
"Hay innumerables ejemplos de mujeres extenuadas." (There are innumerable examples of over-extended women.)
Hmmmm...sounds like an article I should go back and read...

So there you go.

Now you can SEE I did not cheat on the rules and go find something academic and extremely intellectual from my basement filled with mental masturbation--oh, I mean lit crit and theory.

I am sooooo beyond trying to sound smarter than I really am.
(That was sooooo my 20s!)

Below are the rules, let me know in a comment if you follow through or not--but I hate tagging others. Trying to rid "obligation" from my life, and thus I cannot fairly push obligation onto others!


1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open it at page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence/ phrase.
4. Blog the next four sentences/ phrases together with these instructions.
5. Don't you dare dig your shelves for that very special or intellectual book.
(6. Pass it forward to six friends.)

2 comentarios:

  1. :) Right on!

    You rock.

    Overextended? What's that? LOL!

  2. HAHA!

    Not as easy to find a BOOK (123 pages) close by as I thought it would...what, with all the KIDDY books around here!

    I thought you'd get a kick out of what happened to be the citation!
