jueves, 16 de octubre de 2008

the last trial

The final hearings have begun at long last and soon, hopefully, this will signal a new step forward in Life for both involved. Health issues are stable and a taste of freedom to leave the country has been enjoyed; a taste not experienced in years due to accusations of improper activity under a former president's regime. Found innocent in the first trial-- (sigh) one down, one to go.

Some of us can only sit on the sidelines, watch, listen, support, love and hope while the rest of us must face our trials, stand up for our innocence and continue on with life as much as humanly possible under the circumstances. Those who must be the supporters are laden with feelings of impotence and endless "what-ifs", emotionally and mentally involved but unable to do anything due to endless series of obstacles that exist.

This is the story of all of our lives, really...sometimes simply more literal in translation. All we can do is hang on and see where this ride takes us.

1 comentario:

  1. In so many ways this is true - it is hard to sit on the sidelines and watch, able to do nothing. But then, it is hard to be in the middle of it as well.
