(sigh) You got me before I got to get things better organized. Now I'm embarrassed. Believe it or not, I TOTALLY know where everything is on my computer...!
Anyone else up for the challenge? Windy? T? OC? TE? Kay? Yeah, now I'm curious...and a bit nosy to boot!
what did you do, use a camera and take a picture ? or is there some way to do it via the computer?
ResponderEliminarWindy, my Mac has a program called "Preview" that usually scanned items go directly to, a default program that opens to view email attachments that aren't docs, jpegs, etc. Well, in that program I can take an "instanteous" picture and it will photograph any open window on my computer.
ResponderEliminarI assume Windows has the same thing; I just don't know the name of the program...
Be well, Windy. Let me know if you figure it out!
Nice Desktop Mama!
ResponderEliminarTo do a picture of a windows desktop use ctrl-print screen and paste into paint. Then you can save it as a .jpg.
Don't be embarrassed. I actually just got rid of some stuff a couple of weeks ago.
Thank you for the post!
got your e-mail and posted my desktop on my blog.
ResponderEliminarBut why does it fell like I'm letting people look in my underwear drawer?
This is great! Believe it or not, my desktop is quite clean - just a row on the left side. My Documents Folder... now that is a different story. But I, like you, know where everything is!
ResponderEliminarI thought of you this afternoon as we were wandering around October Fest - I wonder if she is here!!
I took a photo and posted it - it's a bit fuzzy so I am guessing there is a clearer way to save?
ResponderEliminarThis was fun - thanks.
Oh ... I have just read your instructions re Preview ... might try that.
Very nice, to those I have seen. But it does make you feel, as Windy so eloquently put it, like you're baring the contents of your underwear drawer...
ResponderEliminarTE, I did NOT, in fact, hit OktoberFest today--too much to do at home, and got up our little ghosts for Halloween that we do on the fenceposts each year. Plus, with the softball game in the morning and art projects the kids had to do today...sigh. Next year.
Hope you all had a great Saturday! Be well, all.