In acceptance of the Love, and in accordance with the Rules, a meme must be completed. As I am completing this task along with a glass of Tempranillo, the responses might become quite wordy.
So here it goes:
1. Where is your cell phone? On my nightstand. Easily...too easily...within arm's reach.
2. Where is your significant other? Waaaay the hell too far away.
3. Your hair color? Chestnutty? Been described as "fawn" by a gay friend's boy toy in N'awlins once. Not kidding. My mother was actually with me--boy, her eyes were opened that night.
4. Your mother? Visiting my sister in Vegas. Some of us have all the luck...and then again...
5. Your father? Watching over me, my guardian angel.
6. Your favorite thing? I would have to say my music..and my ability to appreciate all music.
7. Your dream last night? Labrynth-esque. That's all I can seem to recall.
8. Your dream/goal? To live and love fully.
9. The room you’re in? My bedroom.
10. Your hobby? Drinking wine seems to be most apt to mention at this moment, although I do consider myself rather well-practiced in a variety of different hobbies.
11. Your fear? Being left all alone on this Earth.
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? I'll take this question as "where in life" as opposed to a geographic location. I want to be well into starting my life anew. Period.
13. Where were you last night? At home, where else? I really *don't* get out much.
14. What you’re not? A good cook. Healthy, yes, but not creative nor original en la cocina.
15. One of your wish-list items? I want my violin bows rehaired. Badly. Can't play again until that is done.
16. Where you grew up? Southern Oregon.
17. The last thing you did? After pouring myself a glass of wine, I engaged in a brief tickle-fight with my monitos.
18. What are you wearing? Heavy socks, heavy gray men's sweats from Old Navy, a magenta camisole under a heavy pink with dark pink flecked v-necked sweatshirt, with my hair pulled back in a bun. Three rings, two pair earrings, toe ring, anklet--they never come off--and I think that about covers things.
19. Your TV? PBS Brit-com reruns. Absolutely NOTHING else on Limited Basic Cable service on a Saturday night.
20. Your pets? My male binge-and-purge striped short-hair kitty cat.
21. Your computer? Mac and Mac. This one is a laptop; the other is a "desktop".
22. Your mood? So mixed--happy still in having met The Exception yesterday; jealousy of T and the great sex I know she is getting right at this very moment; cachonda from my extremely high libido that hasn't found any degree of relief lately; frustration resulting not only from the libido issues but the fact that today was my day with the kids but that He barged in and took them (I wrote IN INK on the calendar that next weekend is MINE); happy in that the wine is making me care less and less as I finish the current glass; relief that the game this morning is done; exhaustion just from The Day...oh, like always, just so damn moody!
23. Missing someone? Hell yeah.
24. Your car? Dark gray ever-so-slightly sparkly special from Subaru. Outback, to be exact. Saved our lives once--will never go back from Subaru.
25. Something you’re not wearing? A bra. Not that I really need one anyway. But perhaps that's too much information (insert wine-induced giggle here).
26. Favorite store? Depends upon that for which I am shopping. Sometimes Target, sometimes Old Navy, sometimes Restoration Hardware, sometimes Whole Paycheck, sometimes whatever online merchant can best fulfill my needs.
27. Your summer? Oh, not as hot as usual. Ought not complain since I'm freezing my ass off now.
28. Love someone? Oh, yes. Deeply.
29. Your favorite color? Purple. Black. Deep blue. Deep green. Deep red. When I'm in the mood, white does me good--in August. I like white linen. I also like some pinks, and fuschia works great in certain moods. No yellows or oranges, please. Nor puke greens. Ick. "Camo" ain't me.
30. When is the last time you laughed? Oh, dear. It has been a while. Perhaps I need another glass of wine.
31. Last time you cried? Oh, yesterday. Or was that earlier today? I forget. I cry much, much more than I laugh. Pretty sad, eh?

Wine induced posts are so much fun ;)
ResponderEliminarThanks for taking part!
And I must say I have been thinking of T most of the weekend too - for the exact same reasons as you!
Oh, I know!! Isn't it fun to live vicariously?! Ah...but the stories I *could* tell...
ResponderEliminarmaybe one day.
Be well.
Madly deeply in love? Or just 'love deeply'? Hmmm ... I'd just love you to find someone who fits both bills.
ResponderEliminarHave fun ML aka MP.
Could you, perhaps, laugh more than you think? I seem to recall a chuckle or two! And your hobbies sound amazing!
ResponderEliminarThis was fun. I intend to do mine today or tomorrow morning - it is PJ day at my house (that is until I have to take the Diva for a walk or she will drive us both crazy)
Oh, thank you Kay!!
ResponderEliminarTE, you are right. But laugh...really laugh...oh, it has been a long time. I miss it. But the tears are gone today! A new student this afternoon, focus on work and getting ready for the week ahead!
Be well, both.
It's always good to learn more about your blogger buddies.
ResponderEliminarHope you laugh today.
To be honest, Z, I have cried, when I read T today. But that's about it. Work, six loads of is good, ¿no?
ResponderEliminarBe well, Z.
I hope the laughter soon outnumbers the tears. But tears have their place and can be healing.