viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2008

response to Dad's House

Certainly not a defense...but I started to respond to the post over at Dad's House today and it turned into much more than a response.

Dad is completely right. Feeling hoochie-mama-esque does, and ought to, come from within. And I am not looking for someone to fulfill all of that--but instead I illustrate how good it is for me when I have my partner by my side. Unfortunately, I can't say I ever felt like how I described in the previous post in my marriage.

When I feel on, I feel on. And it's great, albeit rare. There is such a feeling, though, that all parents (correct me if I'm wrong, please) single or married experience--that certain feeling of gender-neutralization. I am not Woman--I am mother, errand-runner, accountant, dishwasher, cook, laundromat, grocer, sports coach, professional in my own right--and the idea of being a sexual being is completely negated, not only by myself but by others with whom I interact.

(Sidenote: perhaps this is why I so enjoy communicating in Spanish, as there is a constant recognition of the gender of the other--adjectives must agree in gender with the nouns they modify, you are guapo, I am guapa. I love to know I'm being recognized as a woman. --okay, sociolinguistics lesson over, back to the post.)

In this marital split, I am learning the benefits (emotional, health-related, etc.) of being true to myself. In many ways, that now comes so naturally to me as I am no longer living a lie to myself or to others. I am no longer with a man who says he loves me but cannot--or will not--learn to give me even a little of what I need while I fulfill all of his needs, wants and desires.

This is the first year that I am starting to notice great physical changes as well. My skin is losing the elasticity it once had. Blemishes and bruises no longer heal at lightning-speed rates that they used to. My feet hurt and I am always cold. I am realizing that time is passing-ten years have passed, two children birthed with this man and I am not the young sexy thing I once was. The season is changing and I recognize a great deal of these feelings parallel negativity about increased hours of darkness during the day. So I take self-help steps where I can--and feel at the same time a carpet being pulled out from under my feet as age starts to make an appearance.

I also know how sex can release so many endorphines to help us feel good about ourselves. Naturally, in the act we have to release our inhibitions and bare everything to another, who accepts and loves us in that form. That acceptance does wonders for manifesting hoochie-mama feelings! Yet when not having sex that feeling fades and I no longer feel sexy as I no longer have that pure acceptance in my life, in which it is not anything I don that makes me sexy--it is instead the fact that two can revel in the absolute essence of each other that makes me feel so sexy, from the inside-out.

I know I have felt this way for a long time, but have not had the guts to write on it. I am feeling freer and more courageous, thanks in great part to knowing I am simply not alone.

So...back to my cute jeans, high heels and leather jacket today. I'm going to go shopping while children are in school! Hoochie-mama this, baby!

9 comentarios:

  1. I was a stay-at-home mom for 18 years. Early on, after the birth of my first child, I took on this gender-neutral persona that you describe. I noticed that my self-esteem was hitting a record low. I had always felt plenty beautiful. I was raised by parents who told me I was beautiful and smart and important. This man I married did not make me feel this way at all. I was spiraling into the world of "I'm ugly."

    I did notice that I felt good about myself when I dressed up to go out. So when my baby was nearly two years old, I started getting up every day and doing my hair and makeup and dressing (in dresses) as if I were really going somewhere. Because I was! I was going to MY OWN LIFE!

    A world of difference this made. As my children grew, I became accustomed to their squeals as I came down the stairs ready for the day. They would make the same remarks a young man would make to his date for the prom. "Mom! You are so pretty!"

    I never got this attention from their father. Maybe he thought it would all go to my head. After I left him, I started dating. The first time a man told me I was sexy, I started crying.

    I've come a long way, baby. And I can see you have too. It's true that your beauty does have to come from within, but when a man, that ONE man, appreciates it ~ it can really make you shine!

    A number of men I meet and/or dated over the years would tell me something like, "You are every man's dream." I would reply, "I don't want to be every man's dream. I want to be one man's reality."

    And now I am.

  2. You go girl!

    And Teri's response is just... wow.

    I know what you mean but you're getting there. You are taking matters into your own hands and that's exactly where to start.

    I agree with Dad's post too because it does start within. We all need some validation; there's no shame in admitting that. Still, you can take whatever measures you have time for to make yourself feel good. It helped me to begin yoga where beauty comes from inside. Then when I got into cycling, my body toned and suddenly I felt like wearing sexier clothes and people responded to it. I feel sexy and so I get acknowledged for it.

    You are beautiful in sweats with the earth in your fingernails too. You are beautiful when you love... well, anything! The love that you have for your garden or your kids makes you shine, baby!!! That glow can't be improved with makeup and high heels!! Look deep inside and acknowledge that glow. Its always there.

  3. My experience is different than Teri's but similar in that I have felt less than the woman that I am. It does take time and patience and acceptance and love. (And a new friend just around the block... or two or three blocks?)

    I feel sexier now than I have in quite a long time. It is a fabulous feeling!

    Here is my comment to DH:

    Reading this made it sound so easy - and sometimes I think that it is. Just a matter of picking the clothes that suit you, finding a hair style that brighten your mood, waking up in the morning knowing that it will be a great day and that you are quite the MILF!! (Which I have no doubt ms Llama is)

    And yet, there are those days when it isn't that easy. When one has to find a way to quiet the voices and look beyond the visible to the known. It is hard to look in the mirror and see the amazing person that we are. It is a wonderful feeling to have someone there to remind you that you are sexy and desired. But, when that person isn't there (and even when they are) I agree with you - we have to learn to see all that we are (the love and the compassion and the sexy) in ourselves - even if we are wearing pony tails with sweats and haven't showered! ;)

  4. Mama Llama - wow, powerful voice in this post. Very nice! Sorry if I made you feel you needed to defend youself. That wasn't my intent. I loved your Hoochie Mama post, and I feel that way sometimes, too - that I wish a woman were there to make me melt when she walks in the room. Love and romance is a great thing! So is sex - those endorphines you mention do wonders, indeed.

    I simply found that it starts from within. My first post-divorce girlfriend was a hot, sexy, confident woman - before I met her. I thrived on her energy and vibrancy. When she took that away - either because she was angry with me, or when we broke up - it was near impossible for me to feel good about myself. I had become addicted to her vibrancy.

    That situation is different than the one you're in. Rather than vibrancy, your partner is giving you a vacuum of nothing. That sucks. Breaking free from that is huge for you. Maybe recognizing that you want to feel like a Hoochie Mama for another man is part of the breaking away process. Plus, it feels darn good when someone validates you - like Teri's kids did with her very morning.

    Thanks for inspiring my blog post this morning. And I'm glad to have helped inspire yours.

    Love to see those cute jeans and heels on you... :-)

  5. Gosh! I can really identify with this post and with CTs response!

    I was with a man for 5 years who would tell me I was sexy ONLY if I did things his way. Wear what he wanted me to wear! Say what he wanted me say! Be what he wanted me to be!

    I never felt sexy during that time - ever.

    Nearly 3 years down the line of men telling me I am sexy and meaning it and making me feel it - I still have trouble beleiving them!

    I know I am sexy but cant seem to beleive that a man thinks I am sexy - which is totally weird!

    The first man I was with after my ex literally set me on a pedestal of sex goddess - I was in awe of him. I was in awe of the way he responded to me and the way he made me feel - it was a totally new experience for me! Even now when he pops me an sms to remind me thinks I am the sexiest women - I still cant really beleive him!

  6. Mama Llama - this is such an honest and raw post... I love that you're bearing it all to us and I think just writing this down will help you get there.

    To that point of hotness from within again. A woman's confidence, her sex appeal, always comes from within. But... no matter what Dad's House says - we still need some things to make that happen. NOT another person, I agree with him there, but what I found helped me after my divorce was this:

    1. Getting back in tune with my single self. You ARE a woman. And you know you need to find her again - so find her.

    2. Do it by treating yourself - to a manicure, a pedicure (even if it's a home kit) or some new shoes.

    My point is that yes, it has to come from within, but - for me - I feel the best when I take the time, like Teri wrote, to pamper myself - to dress up a little. To put on some make up and my favorite perfume.

    I know that men don't really care about all of this "stuff" but we do and it helps.

    Have you treated yourself to anything lately? Maybe a spa treatment... I know it may feel like a splurge but you owe it to yourself. You're finally free! Own it baby!

  7. Woo hoo! NOW you're talking!

  8. Teri, you are amazing. Period. Thank you for that comment.

    T, I honestly don't have a bad body. I look good in clothes, I'm increasingly comfortable in my own skin. Maybe a bit skinny, but who wouldn't kill for that problem, right? A sunlamp day..and a Vitamin D increase..might just be what I need now.

    Dude...TE, I actually had to google MILF. I am sooo out of the scene. But thank you...that made me laugh!

    Dads, I didn't feel defensive--just "clarificatory", if I may create my own mama-llama-ism. I do find myself even getting touch from my chiropractor or my children. That's pretty much it. Yes, I admit to feeling rather in a vacuum. Baby steps--it has been a bit of many little steps backwards lately, but there are glimpses of hope.

    HMRamblings, you are lucky and blessed! There is something extremely empowering when you know not only you see yourself but that someone ELSE sees you as sexy, hot, vibrant...excellent! Does he have a brother, by chance? ;)

    MSMama, I try in my ways and am trying to get better at doing good things for myself. In fact, I wrote this then I went shopping until preschool pick-up. I never go shopping for me. That felt gooooood.

    Citizen, I wish I could let it all out, trust me! :)

    Thank you, all. Be well.

  9. lol, you go.

    I only wish I could wear the heels still. Too bad on the back. Talk about feeling old.

    But I can hoochie-coochie still.
