domingo, 6 de enero de 2008

Keeping busy

Mind and spirit, body and soul. Must keep busy!

So instead of opting for a day of work here at home, I (stupid me) decided to go to this brunch (stupid me) that my husband has been trying to get me to go to (Stupid me) for about a month now with his Reservist unit.

First off, and I am not all granola-y, anti-military or any of that, but I am not military, I don't share the mindset, I have a lot against taking blind orders from above powers, I hate hierarchy and I just don't have anything in common with the group. So not much to talk about.

Second, when I go into The City for a Sunday brunch, I'm thinking nice for the price, if you get my drift. Maybe I'm just frugal. I don't know. But I just couldn't eat anything there. It was off my diet (and I ain't talking skinny diet here...I need fattening food without all the reactive crap in it...does such an ideal even exist???) and I'm not willing to put myself through physical hell just to have something to eat.

Thirdly, I just got to fulfill what I am certain was my only true purpose in being there anyway (twofold): 1. be the little "trophy wife" to show off that I actually do exist, and I suppose I clean up well, and 2. be the unpaid childcare while he got to sit, eat and talk with the rest of his drill unit...none of which brought other family members (obviously a lot smarter than present company).

So I left hungry, pissed off and feeling used. Why did I fall into the trap in the first place, you might ask? Well, it was a beautiful day, the temperatures were actually above freezing and I felt pretty good come noon or so. Plus, all in the "need to keep busy" frame of mind, I could see myself wasting a perfectly good afternoon away doing sudoku with the cat on my lap, eating chocolate, having tea or a glass of wine...

coulda shoulda woulda

Lesson learned, be stronger and firmer next time.

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