miércoles, 16 de enero de 2008

scratch that.

The Young Prince woke up miserable this morning, so most plans now off.

Now to bitch. If you don't want to be party to this pity-party, sign off now:

I Hate It when this happens. I have to cancel everything, I don't get my paycheck for the day, I don't get anything done. I thought this was supposed to be my vacation. Now I don't even know if I can leave this weekend, because one thing I will not do is bring a sick child to someone else's house.

I soooooo need out of here. I need a change of scenery. Desperately. Even just a day. Away. Out of this house.

I just feel all powers are working completely against me to allow me a little bit of ME time, a little bit of sanity time, a little break, a little time to do what I WANT to do, not what I HAVE to do.

But I continue trapped. In my own existence that I have so created...my own fault.

2 comentarios:

  1. I can't do much about today probably but you're only stuck for the weekend if you allow yourself to be. We can discuss more in depth later...

    And yes, it does suck.

  2. May the prince feel better soon. It's snowing like crazy here.
